The bespectacled boy from beneath the staircase of 4 Privet Drive, the loyal sanguine-haired companion and the muggle-born girl named 'the brightest witch of [her] age'. Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), Ronald Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), the trio we have grown up alongside and have become a fond, irreplaceable part of millions' childhood and many adults' secret indulgence.
The final film of our beloved series is the most anticipated film of Summer 2011 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two.
From the moment Harry received a barrage of letters with emerald-green lettering right through to the Horcrux hunt in order to kill
The time for adolescent angst is over; having escaped the clutches of Lord Voldemort and temporarily defeated throughout the saga it's now time for the trio to rid the world of treacherous Tom Riddle once and for all.

At a first glimpse there are some additional scenes added to the trailers that I certainly do not remember appearing in the pages of the seventh installment of the Potter series. Such as Harry uttering: "Come on Tom let's finish this the way we started it... together," before grabbing Voldemort and hurling himself from a great height - but hey, who am I to argue with artistic license?
To counteract this unfounded scene there are a lot of exhilerating others including Molly Weasley vs Bellatrix Lestrange (I want to stay impartial, but GO TEAM MOLLY), a high-speed cart chase through Gringotts, and countless others.
To whet your appetite for the battle to end all battles, here are two of best trailers currently online. Go on, you know you want to...
Enter: Trailer Un
Enter: Trailer Deux
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